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Monday, August 2, 2010

please read and ponder

Together for reflection.

    That morning, though the sky has begun to turn yellow, desert birds refused to clap the wings. That morning, the Prophet with a limited voice giving a sermon, "my ummah, we all have the power of God and His love. And obey and fear him. I made a two on you, the Qur'an and Sunnah. Products who love the Sunnah,

    I love and will mean those who love me, will go to heaven with me. "brief sermon concluded with the eyes of Allah is calm and full of interest in gazing at his friend one by one.

    Abu Bakr, gazing with eyes glisten, Umar the up and down to hold her breath and crying. Usman Ali draw a long breath and head down deep. Signal has come, time has come. "He will leave us all," sigh the heart of all the old friends. Man loved it, almost finished discharging his duties in the world. The signs are getting more powerful, when Ali and Fadhal actively arrest the Prophet weak and shaky when downloaded from

    pulpit. During that time, if able, the companions present there would be arrested moments passed.

    Increasingly higher sun, but the door of Allah remains closed. Is in it, He is lying low with the eyebrows and wet with sweat, a palm frond mat mat. Suddenly, from outside the door heard a cry greeted. "Can I enter?" tanyanya. But Fatimah did not allow in, "forgive me, my father was cold," said Fatimah, the reverse of the body and close the door. Then it was back to accompany his father who appears to have opened the eyes and asked Fatimah, "Who then?"

    "Not to know is my father, who looks like this new one I saw," Fatimah said gently. Then, He stares at the princess with a view of engaging. As if the order is to be the face of his results. "Ah, he removes the temporary enjoyment, he is a separate meeting in the world. Malaikatul He died," said the Prophet, Fatimah wept over the probe before.

    The angel of death comes closer, but the Prophet asked why Jibril did not follow the same participating. Then Gabriel called was previously been prepared in the heavens God celebrate the spirit and love of this world leader.

    "Gabriel, I will explain what the right before God?" Ask

    Prophet with a very weak voice. "The Gates heavens opened, the angels were waiting ruhmu. All of heaven wide open while waiting for you," said Gabriel. But that turned out not to make Allah's relief, his eyes still full of emergency. "You do not love to hear this news?" Gabriel asked again. "Tell me how soon the fate of my followers?" "Do not worry, ' Messenger of Allah, I heard God say to me:' I have forbidden Paradise for anyone, except the people Muhammad had been in it, "said Gabriel.
Moments closer, it's time to do the task Izrail. He slowly pulled the soul. He saw the whole body sweating, stretches his neck veins. "Jibril, how pain sakaratul this death." He gently murmur. Fatimah closed eyes, Ali is his bow as well as getting in and the spirit away. "Shame Will you see me, you turn to face the Spirit?" He asked the angel of revelation is the medium of instruction. "Who could, dear God saw meet death," said Gabriel. He hears a scream and then a moment, because pain is not unbearable yet. "God, death is really horrible, it took me all of this death penalty, not in my followers .." The Messenger from the cold, feet and chest is not moving again. Vibrating lips as if to whisper something, Ali immediately approached and ears "Uushiikum bus shalati, wa maa malakat aimanuku"
salvation prayer, and save those poor people among you. "The sound from outside the door crying, friends hugged each other. Fatimah clasp hands in his face, ears, and Ali back closer to the lips blue from the Prophet." Ummatii, ummatii, ummatiii? "-
"It would, my followers" and ended his life honorable man that radiation is now, Can we love like? Allahumma sholli 'ala Muhammad wa baarik wa salim 'alaihi. How to love our Prophet.

tell other Muslim friends so arose the awareness to love Allah and His Messenger, as we love God and His Prophet. Indeed, apart from that, nothing but mere mortal. Amin ....


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